You’re just a few minutes away from greater clarity, confidence, and meaning…
Take The First Steps to Discover Your Life Purpose
Get Clear on Your Values, Passions and Strengths and
Learn to Guide Your Life With More Certainty & Trust
Begin Your Journey Now
Develop your Inner Guidance System to Help You Discover and Embrace Your Purpose
We all want to live with greater purpose and passion, but how do you actually get there?
And how might you guide yourself once you’re there?
Let me help you answer those questions step by step:
#1 – Prioritize What’s Most Important (Values)
Learn how to achieve greater fulfillment while living out your greater purpose by being clear on what really matters in your life and what doesn’t.
#2 – Re-ignite Your Passions
What inspires you and brings joy to your life? What engages you and makes you lose track of time? Learn how to rejuvenate by taking time for the things you love and experience more vitality and energy for all the rest.
#3 – Embrace Your Unique Strengths
What are your ideal ways of being and how can you play to your strengths? How can you use your greatest gifts to enrich your life? Find out in just a few minutes.
What’s Inside?
- Learn a New Definition of Purpose that’s much easier to embrace
- Learn Why Purpose matters so much in our lives
- Learn about Your Inner Guidance System and how to access it to help guide you on your path of purpose
- Gain Clarity about What’s Most Important to you in your life
- Reconnect and Re-ignite your Passions for more life in your life
- Understand and Embrace your Unique Character Strengths
- Learn about the Power of Choice and how you can be more intentional
- Deep & Reflective Exercises throughout to help you find yourself again and begin trusting your Inner Guidance System
- Create a Life Purpose Declaration to help guide you each day
- And a Special Bonus worth over $250
What People Are Saying
As total strangers, he asked the right questions, at the right time, to help me find my truth. As a result, an experience that I considered my biggest failure became my biggest asset and the springboard for a practice that will help others in similar situations. In re-working and re-wording that miserable five years, Guy helped me see the value in the experience, the wisdom I gained form it, and a methodology I can use to help others in a similar place.
I look forward to working with Guy on a regular basis. I know he will be a big help on my journey to entrepreneurial employment.”
~ Louise B, Alberta, Canada
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From the Introduction:
Hello friend,
I want to thank you and acknowledge you for taking a step forward to discovering and embracing your life purpose. As a coach, a big part of what I do with my clients is help them to discover, clarify and move towards a life of purpose, meaning and fulfillment. To see the positive changes in them and the ripple effects in their lives is one of the most rewarding parts of my work (and my life).
If this is our only point of contact with one another and we never work together, know that I hold as much faith in you as I would hold for a client and that I wish, with every fiber of my being, that you truly discover, appreciate and honor your purpose from now on.
In this workbook, you’ll be exploring what purpose is, why it’s important and focusing on the most relevant clues and pointers to finding your purpose. By doing the exercises included (the most important part) you will be reconnecting to yourself at the core level of being.
We’ll explore your inner world to clarify your values, your passions and your strengths, as well as learning several key signals of your unique purpose. Then, you’ll get to review it all, soak it all in, and develop a Life Purpose Declaration that will serve to guide you moving forward, on a path of more meaning and fulfillment (not to mention fun as well!).
Warning: If you commit to reading the material and doing the exercises, you might come up against some fear and resistance. From your frame of mind, living your purpose may seem like too drastic a change or that it’s unreachable from where you are. Fear is a really good sign in this case. It means you actually are connecting with a part of you that yearns to be expressed. My suggestion is to be very patient with yourself and just allow yourself to connect with the best in you. Do your best to appreciate your uniqueness and the contribution you already do make to the world.
I’m wishing you so much joy, peace and increasing fulfillment on your journey!
Guy Reichard