Life Coach Toronto
Helping You Live Your Best Life, Now!
There’s probably one area of your life, or more, whether it’s personal, business, wellbeing, relationships, money, or impact, where you want to experience a dramatic change for the better or you wouldn’t be looking for a Life Coach.
But you may be wondering… what can you really get from coaching? What can focus on and what good will it do?

Guy Reichard
Self Leadership Coach, Executive Life Coach
Results & Outcomes like these are what
Coaching Breakthroughs is all about:
- Discover your true self, be who you really are, live your truth
- Know your life purpose & find a meaningful career path,
- Start a new business or improve an existing one,
- Improve, deepen, and enrich your relationships,
- Cultivate work/life balance and learn to manage your stress better,
- Create more inner peace, fulfillment, happiness & resilience,
- Raise self-esteem and build self-confidence,
- Improve your leadership skills & capacities
- Communicate more effectively, authentically and honestly with others,
- Uncover and overcome self-limiting beliefs, mindsets and behaviours that sabotage your life,
- Transform destructive and negative self-talk that causes stress, worry, anxiety, frustration & guilt into positive & constructive self-affirming ways of thinking and feeling, or;
- Simply to discover and learn to be your authentic self and experience the true power and freedom that comes from being true to your self.
If any of the above resonate with you, interest you or even scare you, then consider looking at one of the following:
What are Coaching Breakthroughs?
A breakthrough is what seems like a sudden shift in awareness – a new ‘knowing’ – a moment when everything that was once confusing, or hidden from consciousness, explodes into your awareness. You suddenly see yourself or your situation in a new light, and with that comes a sense of peace, excitement and a knowing that there are New Possibilities!
Breakthroughs happen when you open up to a new and more effective perspective – sometimes before you take action but often only after you take the action you had been resisting! Coaching helps you take more of those meaningful but difficult actions so you create and reinforce a new reality for yourself!
Personal growth breakthroughs bring many gifts, and coaching is a way to help you have more breakthrough shifts in your life, your work, and your relationships.
Life and business coaching, as tools or pathways for your own personal development, also help you build the muscles of will, commitment and self accountability.
For those Seeking Personal & Professional Growth & Freedom
How can coaching help?
With a life coach standing by your side, acknowledging your inherent value, potential and your strengths, and reminding you of your values & commitments, you will leverage your new insights and begin crafting your life in a way that is in better overall alignment.
Don’t know your highest vision or deepest values or your most fulfilling goals? Most people don’t, so let’s get started.
This kind of coaching isn’t about motivating, cheerleading you or pushing you to get things done, it’s about helping you strengthen your belief in yourself. Helping you overcome self-limiting and defeating beliefs, mindsets and behaviour patterns. It’s about building courage, facing your fears and embracing them as you go after what you truly want. It’s the only way you can live your best life and be who you were meant to be.
“Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.” ~ Joseph Campbell
Want to Know More About Life Coaching?
What is Coaching all about?
Want to learn more about life coaching, what we work on, and how it helps people?
What to expect from Coaching?
How does coaching happen? How long do you need a coach? Where is it done?
Awareness + Choice + Trust
Become more mindful. Replace old patterns. Strengthen confidence & self trust.
What Are Clients Saying?
“Personal Freedom”
“After 20 plus years in the corporate world I had decided that I had enough and I began exploring ideas for a small business…I have gained clarity on what is important, which has unquestionably helped me with launching a business. I would recommend Guy to help manage the self-doubt and inner critic. At the very least, you might learn to live a little…”
R Meehan, International Real Estate Entrepreneur
“Fear Has Been Lost”
“…I now hold a sense of “knowing” that all my goals are happening, and the process is something to embrace, reflect on and enjoy. I truly believe that the inner work that I have done with Guy has changed my life for the better in so many ways. My focus and drive for my chosen career has soared and fear has been lost…”
Andreia Horta, Naturopathic Doctor Toronto
“Changed My Life”
“During a dark period in my life, Guy listened patiently, guided me on the right path, and encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. Most importantly, he believed in me when no one else did. He’s been an amazing coach and friend; I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone.”
Helena Liu, Consultant/Entrepreneur Toronto, Canada