The Coaching Habit – Book Recommendation

Published by Guy Reichard on January 31st, 2017 in Business Coaching

The Coaching Habit – Book Recommendation

The Coaching Habit – Book Recommendation

You want to be a better leader for your people and you know that coaching is the way to go but… you don’t know how to coach and you think you don’t have time to learn to be an amazing coach.

You’re probably right but what if you didn’t have to be an amazing coach, just a decent enough coach to coach your people in 10 minutes or less?

Happiness Flow Productivity & Profits

Happiness Flow Productivity & Profits

This is the new model of success: one built on happiness, flow, gratitude and to adopt his firm’s foundational mantra “Awesomeness”!

You may never have heard of him but he was invited to speak among luminaries and business moguls such as Sir Richard Branson, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Stephen Covey, Tony Hsieh and several others. His speech was voted as the best of the entire event. He speaks about why “Happiness is the New Productivity”.

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